The 10 Commandments of Entrepreneurship:


The 10 Commandments of Entrepreneurship:

1 – Don’t start a company for the money. Start a company for the mission and the money will follow.

2 – Don’t think small and start big. Thing big and start small.

3 – Don’t sell to people you don’t love, products they don’t need. Find people you love, and serve them what they need.

4 – Don’t ask “how can I make money”. Ask “how can I help others make money”.

5 – Don’t find a team to work for you. Find a team you want to work for.

6 – Don’t ask “what to I need to do”. Ask “What do I need to help others to do.”

7 – Don’t measure your wealth by quantity of money. Measure it by quality of time.

8 – Don’t have an “exit strategy” where you win when you end. Have an “enter strategy” where you win when you begin.

9 – Don’t set a goal to achieve a goal. Set a goal so you can be the person you need to be to achieve that goal.

10 – Don’t climb mountains so the world can see you. Climb mountains so you can see the world.